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Queen Gandhari: The Blindfolded Mother Of Kauravas

Queen Gandhari: The Blindfolded Mother Of Kauravas

Queen Gandhari: The Blindfolded Mother Of Kauravas

Queen Gandhari is a remarkable figure in the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata. She was the wife of King Dhritarashtra and mother to 100 sons, known as the Kauravas. Gandhari’s life was filled with both strength and sorrow.

When Gandhari learned her husband was blind, she made a bold choice. She tied a cloth over her own eyes, deciding to live without sight just like him. This act showed her deep love and loyalty.

A Life of Sacrifice and Strength

Gandhari was known for her strong will and devotion to her family. She faced many challenges, including the difficult task of raising 100 sons. Despite her best efforts, her children often caused trouble and conflict.

The queen’s life took a tragic turn during the great war of Kurukshetra. She lost all her sons in the battle against their cousins, the Pandavas. Even in her grief, Gandhari showed remarkable character.

Gandhari’s story teaches us about sacrifice, motherhood, and facing life’s hardships with grace. Her journey reminds us that even in tough times, we can choose to act with dignity and strength.

To learn more about Queen Gandhari’s story from Mahabharat, click on the video below.

Feature Image Credit: Pinterest.

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