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Six Brothers Of King Ravan: Legends From The Ramayana

Six Brothers Of King Ravan: Legends From The Ramayana

Six Brothers Of King Ravan: Legends From The Ramayana

In the Ramayana, one of India’s most revered epics, King Ravan of Lanka is portrayed as the ultimate villain, a ten-headed demon who abducted Sita, the wife of Lord Ram. But Ravan’s story is not one-dimensional. He had six brothers, each with their own unique personality and role to play in the epic.

1. Vibhishan

Vibhishan, perhaps the most famous among Ravan’s brothers, is known for his key role in the Ramayana. Unlike his power-hungry sibling, Vibhishana chose the path of righteousness, ultimately supporting Lord Ram against his own kin. His uncompromised devotion to Dharma and virtue earned him the position of the righteous ruler of Lanka after Ravan’s downfall.

2. Kumbhakarna

Kumbhakarna, famed for his colossal size and insatiable appetite, was both feared and respected. Despite his loyalty to Ravan, his fate was entangled with his brother’s downfall. His contribution to the battle was unmatched, but his loyalty led him to his demise in the battle against Lord Ram.

3. Vaishravana (Lord Kuber)

Vaishravana, also known as Kuber, was the elder half-brother of Ravan. He ruled over Lanka before being defeated by Ravan. Revered as the ruler of the Northern Direction and the Guardian of Heavenly Wealth, Lord Kuber’s boon from Lord Brahma made him the watcher of wealth.

4. Khara and Dushana

Khara and Dushana were known for their martial achievements and loyalty to Ravan. They led strong armies and fought fearlessly against Lord Ram and his supporters during the battle of Lanka, meeting their end at the hands of Ram’s divine arrows.

5. Ahiravana

Ahiravana, a lesser-known brother, was a tough sorcerer who ruled the netherworld. He played a significant role during the Ramayana’s lesser-known episode where he attempted to thwart Lord Hanuman’s mission to rescue Lord Ram and Lakshman by capturing them in the netherworld.

Feature Image Credit: Pinterest.

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