Balance Your Tridosha To Live A Disease-free Wholesome Life

Balance Your Tridosha To Live A Disease-free Wholesome Life

“The Three-Dosha Theory” or Tridosha are the 3-bodily energies that influence our physical, mental, emotional health, and behavior.

Upanayana Sanskar: The Hindu Ceremony To Educate The Young Mind

Upanayana Sanskar: The Hindu Ceremony To Educate The Young Mind

Upanayana is the ancient Hindu Sanskar (sacraments), followed from the Vedic period.

Ensure Your Newborn's Healthy-Long Life By Following Mentioned Hindu Sanskars

Ensure Your Newborn’s Healthy-Long Life By Following Mentioned Hindu Sanskars

Among the sixteen Hindu sanskaras (sacraments), the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh sanskaras are performed right after a child is born.

Eliminate Rahu-Ketu Effects Forthwith By Observing Masi Magam

Eliminate Rahu-Ketu Effects Forthwith By Observing Masi Magam

The planet Rahu-Ketu has an immense effect on people.

Observe Vrata (Fasting)-The Ultimate Path To Attain Spiritual Liberation

Observe Vrata (Fasting)-The Ultimate Path To Attain Spiritual Liberation

Hindu religion is known for its festivals, foods, culture, and fasting rituals.

Follow These Ayurveda Practices To Develop & Purify Spirituality During Menstruation

Follow These Ayurveda Practices To Develop & Purify Spirituality During Menstruation

According to Ayurveda (Indian medical system), the menstruation cycle is a pure process in which a women’s body gets cleansed and detoxified by throwing out the toxic blood, mucus, endometrial tissues, so the body gets rejuvenated.

Perform Hindu Garbhadhan Sanskar To Deliver A Healthy Baby

Perform Hindu Garbhadhan Sanskar To Deliver A Healthy Baby

In Hindu culture, people respect and consider a woman as Devi- the divine power. A woman is blessed with the…

Eat Indian Curries & Keep Your Heart Healthy

Eat Indian Curries & Keep Your Heart Healthy

Curry is an authentic Indian dish, favorable of all Indians, originated in the Indian sub-continent.

Experience A Healthy & Painless Period By Following These Ayurvedic Remedies

Experience A Healthy & Painless Period By Following These Ayurvedic Remedies

At reproductive age, women get menstruation, the body detoxification, and rejuvenation process.

Celebrate The Joyful Annaprashana- First Food Intake Ceremony Of Your Baby

Celebrate The Joyful Annaprashana- First Food Intake Ceremony Of Your Baby

Annaprashana, another most significant Vedic Hindu Sanskar (sacraments) people are still following in modern times.