Tag: Dharma
Wear Alta- The Red Liquid Dye & Get Fertility & Prosperity
In few parts of the Indian sub-continent, especially in West Bengal, women wear “Alta” or bright red colored liquid on her feet and palms.
Perform Puja Prayer To Obtain Inner & Mental Purity
In Hinduism, every festival or before the starting of any good thing, Hindus perform puja.
“Janmashtami”- The Birth Tale Of Lord Krishna You Must Know About
“Janmashtami” is the auspicious celebration of the birth of Lord Krishna.
Wear The Holy Ash Bhasma & Get Relief From Headache & Cold
Hindu religion is filled with various unique yet skeptical activities, which not only has religious but medicinal significance as well.
The Unheard Story Behind The Lord Ganesha’s Immersion
Ganesh Chaturthi is the big most celebrated festival in India.
Having A Prayer Room In The House Can Uplift Your Spirituality
The god is supreme, although the creator of the universe.
Pray To Shanidev On Saturday & Get Rid Of Rage Of Planet Saturn
In Hindu mythology, Saturday (Hindi: Shanivar) is considered to be the day of Vedic god Shanidev.
Perform Gauri Puja During Ganesh Chaturthi To Gain Wealth & Prosperity
Gauri puja takes place one day before Ganesh puja during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival.
Follow The Pitru Paksha Rituals To Bring Peace To Your Ancestors’ Souls
After born in humankind, every human being instantly got connected to the circle of life.
Losing Your Balance Over Heart & Mind? Keep Fasting During New Moon & Full Moon For Positive Result
Full moon and New moon plays a crucial role in human anatomy as it plays in nature, according to Hinduism belief.