Author: Supriya
Ask For Protection By Offering Puja At Vajreshwari Temple
Like any other Hindu temple, the Vajreshwari Temple also holds some historical, ancient, mythological, and spiritual significance wrapped in the temple premises.
Get Affluent Wealth By Praising Lord Surya On Ratha Saptami
Ratha Saptami, aka Magha Saptami or Achala Saptami, is a highly auspicious day that falls on Saptami day (the 7th day in the bright half of Magha month).
The Transformation Of Earth To Prithvi
According to a convoluted legend in the Bhagavata Purana, a malevolent monarch named Vena disregarded dharma and neglected Vedic ceremonies.
The Unavoidable Effects Of The Lunar Cycle On Human Health & Behavior
In Indian astrology, the lunar, seasonal, and circadian cycles influence both human and animal physiology.
Ward Off Your Fear Of Snakes By Praising Garuda—Lord Vishnu’s Mount
Garuda was reputed to be Lord Vishnu’s mount and the monarch of all birds.
Visit 12 Jyotirlingas To Seek Shiva’s Divine Blessings
Jyotirlingam or Jyotirlinga is an amalgam of two Sanskrit components, Jyoti (radiance) and Linga.
Suffering From Shani Sade Sati Effects? Remedies Are Here!
Every one of us faces certain problems in life that aren’t easy tasks. Hence, everyone tries to do something special…
Feel The Presence Of Lord Krishna At Nava Dwarka
Dwarka, the sacred city in India, has a massive significance in Hindu mythology due to its association with Lord Krishna.
Save Yourself From Shraap – The Famous Curse In Hindu Purana.
Curse and bone both stand at the top spots in Indian mythological stories.
Why Does Banke Bihari Temple Differ From Other Temples In India?
Banke Bihari Temple is a famous Hindu Temple located in the city of Vrindavan Mathura that drives thousands of devotees…