From childhood, we often hear to not sleep facing north from our Indian parents. Is this a Hindu superstition, or does it have any logic behind it?
As per Hindu spiritual belief, sleeping towards the north is impure. Because, when a person dies, his soul leaves the body towards the north.
But in Hinduism, there’s also a scientific reason behind this custom.
The earth is filled with iron, and so do our body is. Earth has a magnetic field that moving from north to south. Let’s hold on a point that we sleep almost 6-8 hours at night. So, when you sleep with your head facing north, the earth’s gravitational force or magnetic pull creates a pressure on your brain. Therefore, you will start facing discomfort sleep, nightmares, and other sleep disorders.
Even, some health issues may occur like high cholesterol and blood circulation dysfunction.
Besides, our atmosphere is filled up with several universal frequencies, and they are flowing in the southwards directions. We need to match our body with the frequency flows.
If our body faced the negative frequency (Tiryak), then we may suffer from distress. So, we must avoid sleeping in the north direction.
Watch the video to know your best direction to sleep:
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