Celebrate The Joyful Annaprashana- First Food Intake Ceremony Of Your Baby

Celebrate The Joyful Annaprashana- First Food Intake Ceremony Of Your Baby

Annaprashana, another most significant Vedic Hindu Sanskar (sacraments) people are still following in modern times. 

Consume Khichdi: The Ayurvedic Dish To Detoxify Your Body

Consume Khichdi: The Ayurvedic Dish To Detoxify Your Body

Ayurveda (Indian medical system) is filled with various medicinal treasures, providing Indians numerous health benefits for ages.

Uplift Your Spirituality By Offering Prasad To The God

Uplift Your Spirituality By Offering Prasad To The God

The Sanskrit word “Prasad” is the divine food that is offered to the deities while prayer.

Perform Puja Prayer To Obtain Inner & Mental Purity

Perform Puja Prayer To Obtain Inner & Mental Purity

In Hinduism, every festival or before the starting of any good thing, Hindus perform puja.