Author: Supriya
How Can You Wear Your Lucky Color Outfits Every Day & Gain Fortune?
In a week, each day represents significant importance for the dress color and attire.
Follow These Hindu Rituals And Ward Off Your Bad Luck!
Bad luck can arrives in the life of an individual at any phase of his life.
Few Unknown Facts Of Jaipur’s Birla Temple You Should Know
Birla Temple of Jaipur is a famous temple, which is also known as Prem Mandir or Lakshmi Narayan Temple.
Interesting Facts That You Didn’t Know About Char Dham Yatra!
Shri Adi Shankaracharya was the first Hindu philosopher and reformer who introduced the entire Hindu society with the term “Char Dham” or Four Abodes.
Fascinating Facts Of Shresh Nag- The Most Loyal Devotee Of Lord Vishnu
In Hinduism, Shresh Nag or Ananta Nag is the big white serpent with several hoods.
Keep Budhwar Vrat & Attain A Blissful Married Life Ahead
Wednesday is related to planet Mercury, which is known as “Budh Graha” in Hindi.
The Most Favored Flowers Of Hindu Gods & Goddesses
According to the epic sacred text Mahabharata, book 13, Anusasana Parva Chapter 101, verses 19-21, to satisfy and please your…
Why Are Festivals In India Exceptionally Significant?
India has always taken pride in its multi-cultural heritage.
Did You Know – Wearing A Copper Ring Can Lessen Your Blood Pressure?
Coper is considered a Sun metal; hence, every individual needs to wear copper on the ring finger, which signifies the Sun finger.
Did You Know Wearing Panchdhatu Can Boost Your Mental Strength?
Panchdhatu or Pancha Loha are five sacred metal alloys, as per Hinduism belief, and are traditionally considered auspicious.