Mangalsutra is a type of sacred necklace that Indian women wear after marriage to signify their marital status. In Hindu culture, a married woman needs to carry five signs of marital status- Mangalsutra, Kumkum, Toe rings, Nose pin, and Bangles. The husband ties the Mangalsutra around the wife’s neck during the wedding ritual, and the priest recites Vedic hymns and prays.
Mangalsutra is the symbol of goodwill and love and represents the unity between husband and wife. This auspicious thread needs to be worn as both take vows during wedding rituals.
The Importance of Mangalsutra in Hindu Culture:
Mangal means “sacred”, and sutra means “thread”– that implies “a sacred thread”. It signifies power, virtue, and divine energies. Hindus believe that deities attend the marriage ceremony and are the attestor of the bride and groom’s unity. By wearing Mangalsutra, women protect their marriage and husbands from evil spirits.
Mangalsutra is a two-string beaded necklace of small gold and black beads with a locket in the center. This sacred thread is the symbol of the bond connecting Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The gold beads represent Goddess Parvati, and black represents Lord Shiva.
The three knots of Mangalsutra defines three major marital aspects:
- The first knot signifies the wife’s obedience towards her husband.
- The second one signifies her commitment towards her in-laws (husband’s parents).
- The last knot represents her respectfulness towards God.
Mangalsutra is not an ordinary ornament or only traditional value, but the sentiment of Indian married women. To the husbands reading the article, this anniversary gift your lovely wife a Mangalsutra to build a stronger bond.
Feature Image Credit: Photo by AMISH THAKKAR on Unsplash. (free for commercial use)
Read more about: https://threads.werindia.com/accessories/bracelet-style-mangalsutra-for-the-new-age-bride/