“Hinduism”– it’s not only an Indian religion or dharma. It’s a way of living. Hinduism has a lot to teach and to give people that beyond anyone’s knowledge. People who believe and accept Hinduism are called Hindus, which are the third-largest population worldwide.
Hinduism is the oldest religion in humankind. Hinduism explains to us Darshan (Hindu philosophy), various ancient cultures and rituals, cosmology, karma, rebirth, sacred resources and texts (Vedas & Upanishads), yoga, temples, and many more. It’s a concept that one needs to acquire spiritually.
Where an Indian, a Hindu doesn’t know about the most cryptic theories of Hinduism, here a 25 years old young girl, named Danielle, pursue Hinduism and converted herself into Ms. Gouri Maheswari. Here’s the video she explains how she decided to be a Hindu: