Ayurveda (the Indian medical system) is a blessing to humankind that believes in mental, physical, and spiritual treatments and well-being naturally. Panchakarma is one of the best gifts of Ayurveda science, which is a natural body detoxification process using various medical oils and herbal remedies.
In Charaka Samhita (Vedic text), the practice of Panchakarma treatment is mentioned. Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment is practiced in Kerala (South-Indian territory).
Panchakarma benefits include the purgation and elimination of toxin from the body and providing the detoxifying body, restoration of youth by massaging the whole body with different panchakarma oil and also balance Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).
The panchakarma process comprises 5-methods as Pancha means five and Karma means procedure:
Vamanam (Emesis therapy)
Virechanam (Purgation)
Anuvaasan (Oil enema)
Panchakarma treatment eliminates Ama (toxins), balance dosha, reduce weight (if overweight), purify and glorify skin, anti-aging, promote immunity and digestion, keeps heart healthy, decrease stress and provide complete relaxation and mindfulness.
Feature Image Credit: WeRIndia.