Perform Hindu Garbhadhan Sanskar To Deliver A Healthy Baby

Perform Hindu Garbhadhan Sanskar To Deliver A Healthy Baby

In Hindu culture, people respect and consider a woman as Devi- the divine power. A woman is blessed with the…

Eat Indian Curries & Keep Your Heart Healthy

Eat Indian Curries & Keep Your Heart Healthy

Curry is an authentic Indian dish, favorable of all Indians, originated in the Indian sub-continent.

Experience A Healthy & Painless Period By Following These Ayurvedic Remedies

Experience A Healthy & Painless Period By Following These Ayurvedic Remedies

At reproductive age, women get menstruation, the body detoxification, and rejuvenation process.

Celebrate The Joyful Annaprashana- First Food Intake Ceremony Of Your Baby

Celebrate The Joyful Annaprashana- First Food Intake Ceremony Of Your Baby

Annaprashana, another most significant Vedic Hindu Sanskar (sacraments) people are still following in modern times. 

Experience Panchakarma Ayurvedic Treatment: The Ancient Body Detoxifying Therapy

Experience Panchakarma Ayurvedic Treatment: The Ancient Body Detoxifying Therapy

Ayurveda (the Indian medical system) is a blessing to humankind that believes in mental, physical, and spiritual treatments and well-being naturally.

Follow These Ayurveda Food Diet To Overcome Body Doshas

Follow These Ayurveda Food Diet To Overcome Body Doshas

Embracing a healthy food-habit can be proven as medicine, alike an improper food-habit can cause deadly diseases.

Embrace Ayurveda- The Art Of Living

Embrace Ayurveda- The Art Of Living

Ayurveda is the pseudoscientific Indian medical system, originated almost 5000 years ago and is practiced in India, plus other countries.

Adopt The Ayurvedic Sattvic Diet To Live A Non-toxic Life

Adopt The Ayurvedic Sattvic Diet To Live A Non-toxic Life

Ayurveda (Indian medical practice) has given humankind various medicinal remedies, yoga, useful lifestyle habits, herbal antidotes, and food habits to live a healthy, soulful life.

Use these Sacred Indian Beauty-Aids & Jewelry to Awaken Your Body Chakras

Use these Sacred Indian Beauty-Aids & Jewelry to Awaken Your Body Chakras

Numerous sacred beauty-aids and jewelry actively used by Hindu women will awaken your body chakras to release internal stresses and strains and give you a new life:

Kajal – eyeliner

Worship Goddess Laxmi & Lord Ganesha “Together” – To Gain Wealth and Fortune!

Worship Goddess Laxmi & Lord Ganesha “Together” – To Gain Wealth and Fortune!

As Ganesha is the obstacle remover, praying Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesha together will eliminate all your obstructions and bring up fortune plus wealth.