When it comes to the food system, Indian cuisines are one of the most yet best-balanced regimes. It includes optimum quantities of all nutrition conceived into delicious dishes that are easily digestible. Our ancestors even had appropriate meal timings devised to make sure proper and timely metabolism as well as the digestion for adequate energy to carry out tasks throughout the day.
As an ancient practice stated, the best kind of diet for any human individual or living animal in the region is the diet consisting of foods that ideally grow in the same territory. We have essentially evolved through the years to belong to a tropical climate and be accustomed to the lifestyle and foods offered by this region.
With the arrival of foreign culture and lifestyle, the concept of “eating out” was brought about with the expansion and trade of foreign cuisines, which sadly are not a suitable diet for Indian stomach. Most importantly, eating junk foods disturbs the meal timings greatly.
We may believe that the only consequences of having ill-timed meals are acidity and gastroenteritis, but commonly human anatomy functions by an energy system flow between organs. However, ancient scriptures of Ayurveda manuscripts and naturopathy hold a reference to “The Organ Clock“ that ensures a sound body system of an individual.
Feature Image Credit: Photo by Atikah Akhtar on Unsplash. (free for commercial use)