Worship Lord Jagannath & Overcome Potential Hurdles In Life
Lord Jagannath is the ‘Lord of the Universe’ in Hindu mythology.
Should You Keep Shivalinga At Home – Explore The Truth!
Shivalinga symbolically represents the supreme god Lord Shiva in Hindu theology.
Control Your Anger With The Power Of Pearl
Pearl, the white-like gem, represents peace and calmness in every aspect.
Blue Moonstone – The Ideal Gemstone To Acquire A Peaceful Life
Blue Moonstone or Chandrakant Mani is a powerful yet mystical gemstone in Indian Vedic Astrology.
Practice Pranayama & Ensure A Soulful Lifestyle
Pranayama is a holistic meditational practice in India that people from ancient times practice religiously for their own goodness.
Consider The Power Of Benzoin In Preventing Cancer
Dhuna, Benzoin, or Loban is a pure, natural type of incense essential for Puja (prayer) purposes in Hinduism.
Chant These Mantras To Get Rid Of Vicious Effects Of Zodiac Signs
In Astrology science, there are 12 zodiac signs, which means 12 mega planets positioned in our natal chart.
Navratna – The Precious Gemstones To Balance Emotional Level
Navratna – The Precious Gemstones To Balance Emotional Level
Chant Rama Mantra And Annihilate All Fears From Life
Lord Shri Rama, the king of Ayodhya, was the 9th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Perform Baikhari Chanting & Unleash Your Thoughts Properly
Chanting Mantras is a fabulous way of Yoga that helps an individual awaken his own self.