Keep Budhwar Vrat & Attain A Blissful Married Life Ahead
Wednesday is related to planet Mercury, which is known as “Budh Graha” in Hindi.
The Most Favored Flowers Of Hindu Gods & Goddesses
According to the epic sacred text Mahabharata, book 13, Anusasana Parva Chapter 101, verses 19-21, to satisfy and please your…
Why Are Festivals In India Exceptionally Significant?
India has always taken pride in its multi-cultural heritage.
Did You Know – Wearing A Copper Ring Can Lessen Your Blood Pressure?
Coper is considered a Sun metal; hence, every individual needs to wear copper on the ring finger, which signifies the Sun finger.
Did You Know Wearing Panchdhatu Can Boost Your Mental Strength?
Panchdhatu or Pancha Loha are five sacred metal alloys, as per Hinduism belief, and are traditionally considered auspicious.
Did You Know- Worshipping A Shaligram Can Bring You Great Fortune?
Shaligram Shila is a rare piece of spherical black tinted stone, which is deeply associated with Lord Vishnu.
Why Is Lemon Considered Sacred In Hinduism?
Lemon is popularly known as an Ayurvedic element for its medicinal properties and benefits in curing common diseases.
“Griha Pravesh”- The Post-Marriage Ritual Invites Good Wealth To A Household
In every Hindu family, welcoming a new bride for the first time into the house carry diverse rituals and customs.
Read How Wearing Kajal Can Defend Your Eyes From Infections?
Kajal is an essential eye makeup traditionally been worn by Indian women since ancient times.
Consume Holy Tirtha Water Daily & Charge Your Mind & Body Up
Tirtha or Tirtham is holy water or water body associated with temples or worship of a deity.